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KMID : 0359020110420010043
Korean Journal of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy
2011 Volume.42 No. 1 p.43 ~ p.46
A Case of Colonic Obstruction Due to Phytobezoars
Chae Jung-Min

Cha Jae-Myung
Lee Joung-Il
Joo Kwang-Ro
Kim Sun-Yong
Jo Uk
Kim Min-Kyung
Yoo Jung-Sun
Colonic phytobezoars are defined as conglomerate masses of fruit or vegetable matter in the colon, and these have rarely reported as a cause of colon obstruction. Because it is extremely rare, its correct diagnosis might be delayed even with the aid of abdominal computed tomography. We report here on a case of diagnosed colonic obstruction due to colonic phytobezoars in a 67-year-old female with diabetic end stage renal disease and chronic constipation. Although abdomino-pelvic computed tomography did not demonstrate the presence of phytobezoars, multiple phytobezoars impacted in the colon were found and these were removed by colonoscopy. This is a rare case in that colonic obstruction due to phytobezoar was diagnosed early and it was treated by colonoscopy.
Phytobezoar, Colonic obstruction, Colonoscopy
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